6 simple steps to prepare your home for a long-haul holiday
The Christmas holidays are almost here — sun, fun and time off to enjoy with friends and family. But if you plan to spend some time away and visit relatives or go to an exotic country to bring in the New Year, there are a few things you should consider at home before you depart.
Lock away valuables
It’s always good to get away from modern life and the same old routine, but not if you’re going to be worried about the valuables you’ve left at home.
When you spend an extended period away from your adobe, there’s always a worry that it can make it a prime target for opportunistic criminals. So for peace of mind, ensure your valuables are securely locked away, preferably in a well-concealed safe.
If your car or boat is your pride and joy, at Wilson Storage we offer both undercover and open-air garages that benefit from a 24/7 live CCTV surveillance and are patrolled nightly by Wilson Security patrols. So go and enjoy your time away in the knowledge your treasured belongings are invulnerable and protected.
Ensure security is up to scratch
The subject of securing your home should be high up on your agenda before heading off on holiday — it will make it a lot harder for burglars to gain entry if your security is up to scratch.
We recommend you inspect your locks and doors to make sure that everything is as buttoned-up as it needs to be.
This is also an excellent excuse to install some new home security. A smart system would be the most ideal solution — one that can stream a live feed of your home directly to your smartphone and alert you, or the authorities, of any strange activity inside the house.
Keep curtains and blinds open and be smart with lighting
Drawn curtains or blinds during the day can scream that a home is unoccupied. Safeguard your home and reduce the risk of unwelcome visitors by ensuring your curtains and blinds are open when you leave and that lights are turned off.
You may, however, want to keep certain lights on during the evening to make it appear you’re home. You can install a timer, but with an increase in smart technology, home lighting can be controlled remotely from your smartphone. Smart lighting enables you to switch your lights on from your mobile whilst you are sipping on a cocktail on the beach or enjoying a Christmas meal with the family. This is a great investment and allows you to take control of your lighting.
There’s nothing worse than coming back from a long and relaxing holiday to a messy household. So take this opportunity to declutter your home so you can begin the New Year in a spotless and clean environment.
The best way to tackle this challenge is in stages — to focus on one room, one space, or even one zone at a time. This will build your confidence to move onto the next one.
During this cleanup, you may find that you have plenty of items you simply don’t have space for in your closets and drawers, or winter clothing you won’t wear for several months to come. At Wilson Storage, we offer a range of differently sized units to suit your situation. We even deliver boxes straight to your door to help the packing process and, when you’re done, our friendly couriers can pick them up before you jet off on holiday.
Purge the pantry and fridge
When cleaning out the house, don’t forget about what’s in the kitchen and fridge. Over the year you’ll find you’ll have hoarded lots of food and drink in cupboards or pantries that you’ll either never use, or has gone off months ago.
Before you leave for holiday is the perfect time to cleanse these areas of spoilt materials and wipe down the shelves. You’ll find an abundance of space will be freed up, ready to be filled again when you return.
If you’re an avid wine collector, it can be a worry that a freak power cut will ruin the temperature of the fridge while you’re away on holiday, ruining your vino ensemble. At Wilson Storage, our facilities feature climate-controlled wine storage for seasoned collectors. Whether you have 12 or 1,200 bottles, Wilson Cellars provides a temperature and humidity controlled wine cellar to suit.
Sort out the garden
There are a number of telltale signs in your garden that can make it more obvious that you are away on holiday. But mowing your front garden and watering plants before you go can give the impression of a well-maintained frontage and, therefore, give the impression you’re still home.
If you have friendly neighbours, it might be good to ask one of them to water your plants while you’re away, not only to give the impression you’re home but to keep your garden green and lush for your return.
At Wilson Storage, we are committed to safeguarding your belongings and valuables. Our facilities include a 24/7 live CCTV surveillance and are patrolled nightly by Wilson Security patrols, so your storage container remains protected at all times of the day.
Get in contact with Wilson Storage to find out more about your storage solutions.
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